¿Ha tenido un accidente que no fue su culpa?

Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en McAllen y San Antonio están entregados a obtener la compensación que se merece.

Texas Trial Lawyers Association
ThreeBest Rated
Top Attorneys of North America

Premio por un accidente de pozo petrolífero


Premio por un accidente laboral


Premio por un accidente de camión comercial


Premio por un accidente de camiones de 18 ruedas


Premio por un accidente laboral

$3,925,000 award for Oil Well Accident
$725,000 award for Work Site Accident
$2,900,000 award for Commercial Truck Accident
$1,430,000 award for 18 Wheeler Accident
$990,000 award for Work Site Accident

Abogados de Lesiones Personales en Texas

El Dr. Louis Patino ha cuidado a miles de víctimas a lo largo de sus 20 años de carrera profesional como médico y abogado experimentado de lesiones personales en Texas (sirviendo en las áreas de McAllen, San Antonio y el Valle del Río Grande).

En Patino Law Firm creemos firmemente que, tras sufrir un accidente, usted debería poder centrarse de lleno en su recuperación. Independientemente de su estatus migratorio, usted tiene reconocidos una serie de derechos y es importante que los conozca. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en McAllen y San Antonio hablan español e inglés y le dedicarán toda la atención y el tiempo necesarios a su caso de lesiones personales. Gracias a nuestros conocimientos, experiencia y tenacidad podemos manejar con eficacia una amplia gama de casos de lesiones personales. Nuestras áreas de práctica incluyen, pero no se limitan a:

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Personal Injury Practice Areas

Accidentes Automovilísticos

Driver error causes most accidents, but other factors, such as poorly maintained roads, defective cars, or hazardous weather conditions, also contribute to a car accident. If you or someone you love has been in a McAllen car accident, you understand the terrible personal and financial consequences. Contact an experienced McAllen car...

Accidentes de Camión

Commercial vehicles such as 18-wheelers and semi trucks are the biggest automobiles on our nation’s roads, imperative for transporting large or bulky loads such as heavy construction equipment, building materials, and more across the United States. Unfortunately, due to the size and power of these vehicles, semi trucks...

Muerte por Negligencia

Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging moments of anyone’s life. Whether you have experienced the loss of a family member or a close friend, losing a person who played an important role in your life is devastating. When that person is lost through the negligence of someone else, it can prove especially difficult...

Work Place Injuries

Few McAllen workers worry about injuries at their place of employment, but workers do in fact become injured across a wide cross-section of employment. In Texas, a worker is injured, sometimes fatally, every seven seconds. That works out at nearly 13,000 a day! If you have been injured at work you may be entitled to workers...

Accidentes de Responsabilidad Civil Locativa

Premises liability refers to a legal theory that potentially holds a property owner responsible when conditions on their property cause an injury or damage to another person’s body or property. Texas law requires property owners to keep their premises reasonably safe for visitors...

Catastrophic Injuries

Few injuries have the potential to upend the lives of McAllen-area residents, workers, and visitors quite so much as a brain injury. The cognitive, physical, and emotional impairments that often accompany a brain injury can get in the way of every aspect of a victim’s day-to-day life...

¿Cuál Es el Proceso de una Reclamación por Accidente?

En Patino Law Firm llevamos muchos años dedicados a hacer justicia y conseguir una compensación justa para las víctimas de accidentes, sin importar su situación de inmigración. Y estamos convencidos de que también podemos ayudarle a usted.

Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales están aquí para ayudarle en estos duros momentos, garantizar que recibe la indemnización que merece y minimizar el estrés y la preocupación que probablemente esté sintiendo en estos momentos.

Si ha sido víctima de un accidente o ha sufrido lesiones por la negligencia o imprudencia de otra persona, llámenos y le ayudaremos a iniciar una reclamación o demanda para que obtenga la compensación que merece. Como parte de nuestro compromiso de transparencia siempre le mantendremos informado de nuestro progreso en cada parte del procedimiento.

Le Cuidamos en 7 Sencillos Pasos


Póngase en contacto con nosotros. Puede llamarnos, mandarnos un email o visitarnos en nuestras oficinas de McAllen y San Antonio.


Si nos llama o nos manda un correo, programaremos una reunión en persona en una de nuestras oficinas, normalmente en el mismo día o en un día de su conveniencia. Si lo prefiere, también podemos mantener la reunión por videollamada. Esta primera consulta siempre es gratuita.


Durante nuestra primera reunión, uno de nuestros experimentados abogados de lesiones personales le hará una serie de preguntas para establecer qué le ha ocurrido, incluyendo cuándo sufrió el accidente, el tipo de accidente y las lesiones que ha sufrido a consecuencia del mismo. 

La reunión dura unos 15 minutos y en este tiempo abordaremos también otras cuestiones relacionadas con el suceso como puede ser la reparación o el reemplazo de su vehículo o la posible pérdida de su salario si no puede trabajar.


Si usted está herido y todavía no ha recibido atención médica, haremos las gestiones necesarias para que lo atienda un médico lo antes posible. En primer lugar, queremos asegurarnos de que recibe la atención sanitaria que precisa, pero también es importante contar con un informe médico para apoyar su demanda. No se preocupe por los gastos médicos; estos se aplazarán hasta que su caso se resuelva.  


El doctor también determinará si precisa tratamiento médico continuado. De ser así, recopilaremos todas las facturas médicas y las enviaremos a la compañía de seguros para que se haga cargo.


Mientras recibe atención médica y se centra en su recuperación, nuestros abogados estarán trabajando diligentemente en su caso y negociando con la compañía de seguros de la otra parte para garantizar que usted recibe una compensación económica justa por los daños recibidos. 

Una vez alcancemos un acuerdo con la otra parte, le presentaremos la oferta.


En este momento, deberá decidir si acepta la oferta o si prefiere ir a juicio para intentar obtener una indemnización mayor. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales le aconsejarán — siempre de manera honesta y profesional — cuál es la mejor opción en función de las circunstancias específicas de su caso.

En este momento, deberá decidir si acepta la oferta o si prefiere ir a juicio para intentar obtener una indemnización mayor. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales le aconsejarán — siempre de manera honesta y profesional — cuál es la mejor opción en función de las circunstancias específicas de su caso.

medical malpractice

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¿Me Puedo Permitir un Abogado de Lesiones Personales en Texas?

En Patino Law Firm sabemos que lidiar con las secuelas de un accidente no es fácil — al dolor físico y el trauma emocional hay que sumarle las facturas médicas, la posible pérdida de ingresos y otras repercusiones devastadoras que pueden ser altamente frustrantes si el accidente fue culpa de otra persona.

Por ello, en Patino Law Firm no cobramos honorarios hasta que ganemos su caso. Esto significa que puede olvidarse de costosas facturas para iniciar los trámites legales de su caso y concentrarse en lo verdaderamente importante: su recuperación o la de sus seres queridos y conseguir una indemnización justa por las lesiones y daños sufridos.

Por eso respondemos con un rotundo sí, claro que puede costearse un abogado de lesiones personales en McAllen o San Antonio. Simplemente póngase en contacto con nosotros y evaluaremos los detalles de su caso. La primera consulta es gratuita y usted no está obligado a contratarnos tras esta primera toma de contacto.

Recuerde, en Patino Law Firm sus intereses son nuestros intereses. Trabajaremos con dedicación para hacer justicia y que reciba la compensación que merece. Solo una vez que hayamos ganado su caso, cobraremos un porcentaje de la indemnización que reciba.

Las Compañías de Seguros y los Abogados de Lesiones Personales

Si se ha visto involucrado en un accidente, es probable que tenga que lidiar con la compañía de seguros. Estas empresas suelen designar un perito para hablar con las partes y recabar la documentación y pruebas relacionadas con el accidente. De esta forma pueden calcular qué compensación ofrecer a la víctima para evitar litigios.

Esta cantidad suele ser beneficiosa para la compañía de seguros, pero no para usted — la víctima. Estas corporaciones buscan pagar lo menos posible, e incluso a veces recurren a prácticas desleales para desembolsar lo mínimo e imprescindible.

Por ello, es fundamental que cuente con un abogado experimentado. Nuestros hábiles abogados de lesiones personales en McAllen y San Antonio conocen la ley a fondo y saben cómo tratar con este tipo de empresas para que los derechos de nuestros clientes se vean garantizados y reciban una indemnización justa.

¿Qué Debo Hacer si He Sufrido un Accidente?

Cualquier accidente — incluso un accidente menor como una caída o un resbalón — puede traer consigo consecuencias traumáticas, tanto físicas como emocionales. Además de buscar atención médica inmediata, hay una serie de pasos que debe realizar.

Reporte el Accidente

Independientemente de quién haya causado el accidente, debe informar a su compañía de seguros y/o a la de la otra parte involucrada. No hacerlo, podría limitar sus opciones de cara a presentar una reclamación o demanda más adelante.

Es también probable que deba informar a la policía local, especialmente si hay heridos o daños materiales de relevancia. Si hay un informe policial, asegúrese de pedir una copia, ya que este informe puede contener información vital para el caso.

Recopile Información Relevante

Si está bien físicamente, tome fotos o vídeos de la escena del accidente para adjuntarlos como prueba en su reclamación. Si puede, obtenga también los datos de contacto de los testigos del incidente si los hubiera.

Por ejemplo, en caso de ser víctima de un accidente automovilístico, intente conseguir los datos de contacto de las personas en los vehículos implicados y de cualquier peatón que haya presenciado el accidente. Sus testimonios pueden ser clave para confirmar la descripción de los hechos antes y durante el accidente. Además, es posible que alguno de ellos haya tomado fotos o vídeos de lo sucedido.

Identifique a los Posibles Culpables del Accidente

Si ha sufrido un accidente automovilístico o laboral o ha sido víctima de una negligencia médica puede presentar una reclamación contra la parte o partes negligentes. No asuma que solo un individuo es el responsable directo.

Al incluir todas las partes potencialmente responsables en su reclamación, aumenta sus posibilidades de obtener una compensación económica acorde a los daños sufridos.

Por ejemplo, en un accidente de camión, además del conductor, usted puede incluir en su reclamación al distribuidor o fabricante de una pieza defectuosa, así como a la empresa para la que trabaja el conductor si el accidente se produjo en horas de trabajo. En casos más complejos incluso se puede responsabilizar a la entidad encargada de diseñar o mantener la carretera donde se produjo el incidente.

¿Cómo Sé si Puedo Presentar una Demanda por Daños Personales?

Si se ha visto implicado en un accidente — ya sea en el trabajo, en una tienda o en la carretera — por la imprudencia o negligencia de otra persona, es posible que tenga derecho a presentar una demanda por daños personales. Para saber con certeza si puede presentar una demanda y los términos de esta, póngase en contacto para concertar una consulta gratuita con nuestros expertos abogados de lesiones personales en McAllen y San Antonio.

Los Beneficios de Contratar un Abogado de Lesiones Personales tras Sufrir un Accidente

Mientras usted se centra en recuperarse física y emocionalmente, su abogado de lesiones personales se dedicará por completo a proteger sus derechos legales, identificando y anticipando cualquier cuestión legal que pueda dificultar su recuperación.

Nuestro bufete se encargará de estar en contacto continuo con las partes implicadas, evitando así que usted reciba una avalancha de peticiones y llamadas de la parte contraria. Además, trabajaremos sin descanso realizando todas las tareas necesarias para preparar una reclamación y/o llevar su caso a juicio, desde recopilar pruebas médicas, informes policiales y testimonios de testigos hasta preparar escritos y negociar con la compañía de seguros.

Personal injury attorneys work on a no-win, no-pay agreement, also called a contingency agreement, meaning you’ll only pay them if and when you get paid. Make sure to work with a personal injury lawyer in Texas who has experience in your specific claim.

¿Ha Sufrido un Accidente de Lesiones Personales en Texas?

Los casos de lesiones personales son complejos y se rigen por numerosas normas y plazos de prescripción. El plazo de prescripción es el plazo legal que un individuo tiene para iniciar acciones legales. La mayoría de las reclamaciones por lesiones personales en Texas cuentan con un plazo de prescripción de dos años, pero hay excepciones a la norma que solo un abogado experto en lesiones personales conoce.

Si usted o un ser querido ha sido víctima de un accidente, póngase en contacto con Patino Law Firm. Nuestros experimentados y hábiles abogados son expertos en la ley de lesiones personales de Texas. Para concertar una reunión, llámenos al (956) 255-0023 o rellene nuestro formulario online.

Have You Suffered a Personal Injury in Texas? Our McAllen Accident Lawyer Can Help

Personal injury cases are complex and involve many rules and deadlines. The statute of limitations is the time limit you have to file a legal action.

For most personal injury claims in Texas, the statute of limitations is two years, but there are exceptions.

This time frame includes negotiations with insurance companies to settle your claim out of court, so if negotiations drag out and are unsuccessful, it may be too late to file a lawsuit.

An attorney can fight for a fair settlement or begin legal action before the statute of limitations expires.

Consult our expert injury lawyer today for advice on your claim.

Book a free, no-obligation case review by calling 855-LAW-NINJA or contacting us online.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Personal Injury Attorney

Yes. In most cases, accidents that result in injury are not caused by a single person’s or group’s actions, but are rather the result of a combination of factors leading to the accident. In fact, injury victims are sometimes partly at fault for their accidents. However, unless the injury victim was more than 50% responsible for the cause of the accident, he or she is still entitled to pursue compensation from the others at fault. It is important to note, though, that any compensation awarded to the plaintiff will be proportionately reduced by his or her percentage of fault.

If you would like to learn more about whether you may be eligible for compensation following your accident, contact the lawyer of Patino Law Firm today.

The power to file a legal claim is usually reserved for select members of an injured individual’s immediate family. For example, in cases where a child is injured, parents have the right to sue on behalf of their children. Similarly, children, once past the age of majority, have the right to sue on behalf of their parents if their parents are incapacitated. Depending on circumstances, these legal powers may be extended to grandparents, grandchildren, and other relatives accordingly.

If you’re considering taking legal action after someone you love has been injured, but have questions about how to proceed, our legal team at Patino Law Firm can help you find the information you are looking for. To learn more about your rights in McAllen as the relative or care provider of someone who’s been injured, contact us today by calling today.

Although claimants pursuing a personal injury claim aren’t legally obligated to hire an attorney to argue their case, it may be in their best interests to do so. To argue a successful case and obtain compensation, a claimant may need a close understanding of the law, evidence, expert testimony, and adequate resources to stay on top of necessary deadlines and claim-related requirements. A law firm can handle all of these concerns and provide a claimant with clear-cut advice about concerns associated with their case.

If you’re thinking about filing an injury claim in McAllen against the people or person responsible for causing you harm, our lawyer at Patino Law Firm, may be able to help you through this process. For a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, call today.

There is no definite answer to a question about how long a personal injury lawsuit may take to resolve. Ultimately, it depends on the strength of the claim and the claimant’s willingness to settle with their defendant. If a claimant settles in the early stages, a lawsuit may be over in a matter of months. However, if a claimant wants to work through the courts and fight for full compensation for all of their injury-related expenses, this process may take more time to reach completion.

If you’re concerned about how your case may proceed if you decide to file an injury claim in McAllen against the party responsible for your injuries, the legal team at Patino Law Firm, can provide the answers to your questions and help you understand your options. To learn more about how our firm may be able to work for you in your personal injury lawsuit, get in touch by calling today.

An insurance company may request records from anyone injured in an accident who could file a claim for financial compensation. This request can be denied by an injured claimant. Usually, these requests are made so that insurance companies can get early access to information they may need to form a legal defense against a lawsuit. If an insurer makes this request, a claimant may want to discuss their options with a legal advisor.

If you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence in McAllen and have concerns about your legal options, a lawyer from Patino Law Firm, may be able to work with you through the process of filing a claim. For more information about your rights and options after an injury, get in touch today.

A defendant can offer to “settle” with a claimant at almost any point after an injury occurs. Even before the claimant officially files a personal injury claim, he or she may be offered some sort of repayment for the incident. Depending on the amount of compensation offered in the settlement and how quickly the claimant wants his or her lawsuit to proceed, the individual may want to think carefully about whether he or she should accept the settlement.

If you’ve been offered a settlement after an injury caused by malpractice, product liability, or another such accident, we can help you determine what your next steps should be. To discuss your options in further detail with an experienced legal advisor in McAllen, contact a lawyer from Patino Law Firm today.

“Negligence” is a legal term that applies when a person owes someone else a duty, fails to perform that duty, and causes an injury as a result of that failure. Negligence can take several different forms, ranging from car accidents to premises liability. To pursue compensation for negligence, a claimant will have to prove that the defendant had an obligation to keep him or her safe or reasonably free from harm, failed to do so, and that this failure directly contributed to the plaintiff’s injury.

If you’ve sustained an injury due to someone else’s careless behavior and are considering legal action, we may be able to help you find the legal information and guidance you’re looking for. For more information about filing a personal injury claim in McAllen, contact an attorney from Patino Law Firm.

The “statute of limitations” is a legal term that refers to the amount of time a person or party has to take legal action against someone else. In cases involving personal injury, the statute of limitations usually begins as soon as an individual suffers an injury or should reasonable have discovered that he or she was injured. After the statute of limitations has passed, it is typically no longer possible for an injury victim to pursue compensation.

If you have been hurt in a personal injury accident, it is important to discuss your situation with an attorney as soon as possible so that you do not lose the chance to seek compensation. For more information about the statute of limitations and how it applies to your case, please contact the lawyer of Patino Law Firm today.

Liability for an injury often depends on a range of factors, and determining who is at fault for any particular injury can be surprisingly complicated. For example, this is especially true in instances in which an individual is injured by a party that is acting on behalf of another party, such as when a fatigued truck driver strikes another motorist’s vehicle due to his or her employer’s failure to follow the hours of service regulations. In these circumstances, the advice and assistance of qualified legal representation is often key to determining liability.

If you would like to learn more about who may be held responsible for your injuries, contact the attorneys of Patino Law Firm today.

The statute of limitations, a time limit placed on claimants for filing personal injury lawsuits, doesn’t typically begin until a person has reasonably realized that they were injured. Known as the discovery rule, this rule allows people who have injuries that aren’t immediately apparent to still fight for fair compensation. For example, someone who developed neck pain months, if not years, after a car accident may still be entitled to sue from the date they first noticed the injury, not when it actually occurred.

If you have questions about your legal options after being injured in McAllen by someone else’s actions, our attorneys at Patino Law Firm, can help you find the information you’re looking for. To learn more about what to expect if you file an injury claim and how we can help, call us today.

A person injured because of the government’s negligence is usually granted the right to pursue financial compensation through the legal system. However, the government may bar cases filed by active duty military service members and may not allow cases in which the injury was caused because of a worker’s negligence outside of the scope of their governmental duties. Additionally, lawsuits filed in these cases must work through the government’s claims process first, before moving to a court if the claimant isn’t satisfied with the result.

If a government worker’s negligent actions have led to your injuries, our legal team at Patino Law Firm, may be to help you file a claim for financial compensation. For a free consultation about your options in moving forward with a claim in McAllen, contact us today.

Although many claimants have financial concerns that need to be met quickly, compensation may be provided according to the defendant’s abilities and choices. The defendant may either pay through the more uncommon lump sum method, in which the full amount is paid at once, or the much more common structured settlement method. Structured payments are provided over a set period of time, in which the defendant is responsible for paying an installment to the claimant in regular intervals.

If you’ve been injured and have been left with a significant financial burden as a result, you may have questions about what to expect when filing a personal injury claim in McAllen. Our legal team at Patino Law Firm, can help you find the information you’re looking for and help you understand your legal options for filing a claim when you call today.

The amount of compensation a successful personal injury case will obtain for a victim depends entirely on the specific details of the case itself. For instance, the majority of damages won from a case are linked to the costs involved with that claimant’s injury. Additionally, if a claimant settles with the party responsible for their injuries, that settlement may provide less compensation when compared to successful cases taken through the full court process. Any claimant concerned about compensation may want to discuss these issues with an attorney.

If you have questions or concerns about how your case may proceed, an attorney from Patino Law Firm, can provide the answers and information you’re looking for. After being injured in McAllen by another party’s negligence, call today to learn more about your legal options.

A claimant injured because of the actions of multiple parties may actually be able to hold all of them responsible through legal action in a joint liability claim. The defendants may be sued in one claim in these joint cases. While this can make a claim more complex, due to the nature of pursuing compensation from a jointly liable group of defendants, it can also allow a claimant to pursue the full the amount of compensation they may be owed from defendants responsible for that injury.

If your injuries were caused by several people or groups, you should discuss your legal options and the complexities of filing such a claim with a lawyer from Patino Law Firm. We strive to help those injured in McAllen by the negligence of others to get the compensation they need, even when multiple parties caused their injuries.

When a person is injured because of exceedingly careless behavior or malicious recklessness, he or she may be entitled to receive additional compensation assigned by the court that is unrelated to the plaintiff’s injury costs, lost wages, and other compensatory damages suffered. This additional compensation, known as “punitive damages,” is given only under certain circumstances to claimants who have been drastically wronged by the defendant, such as in speeding or reckless driving accidents. This is the court’s way of punishing the defendant above and beyond the compensatory damages associated with the incident.

If you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligent or reckless actions, you may be entitled to pursue compensation for these injuries. Before filing a personal injury claim, you may have several questions about this legal process. To find the information you’re looking for in McAllen, contact a lawyer from Patino Law Firm.

“Informed consent” is the legal term for the ability of a patient to provide his or her agreement to undergo medical care with a fully informed understanding of the risks, benefits, alternatives, and other such information regarding the procedure. When a doctor fails to secure a patient’s informed consent before pursuing treatment, he or she may be held liable for any negative consequences.

If you believe that you were not fully informed regarding a procedure before your doctor treated you, you may be entitled to financial compensation. To learn more about informed consent, please contact Patino Law Firm, today by calling our offices to speak with an experienced attorney.

An injury victim’s eligibility to secure compensation basically depends on the nature of his or her injury and its ensuing consequences. In most cases, personal injury victims are entitled to receive compensation for their medical bills, any income they may have lost while recovering, and the emotional or psychological trauma they experienced as a result of the accident. Additionally, courts may choose to award punitive damages to the victim as a way of punishing the person or party who caused the accident.

If you would like to learn more about the types of compensation that you may be eligible to receive, please contact Patino Law Firm today to discuss your case with a knowledgeable lawyer.

Not usually. Compensation is only taxed in a few rare instances, such as when it’s actually interest from a larger sum of compensation or received as punitive damages. Normally speaking, compensation received for personal injuries won’t be considered income by the federal government and, as such, will be exempted from tax requirements for that claimant.

If you have questions or concerns about how the legal system or how compensation works in a personal injury lawsuit, an attorney at Patino Law Firm can help you. For more information about your rights and options in McAllen as an injured claimant seeking compensation, contact us today.

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